Taking the 40 Day Challenge!

Choice is a delicious feeling, isn’t it? Wow! Empowering! As Diane Roblin, Home Care for Greystokes explained, if you can give someone a choice it takes the resistance and struggle out of the equation. Diane said it works especially well with husbands and children! Not, it’s time to…rather would you like to do that now or in an hour...which would you prefer? 

So often we think “I have no choice”. As changes occur and we go back to depending on others for help (that second childhood thing) we often rail that we have no choices and have to get up when we are scheduled and eat what we are offered—no wonder it sounds like reliving our childhood! Joan Tillack, Home Care for Greystokes, wisely suggested that sometimes we have no choice in what is happening around us but we do have the choice of how we respond. We always have the choice of our attitude. Joan told me of a group working on attitude that took a 40 Day Challenge. One half wrote one thing they were thankful for on a sticky note and put it on the mirror every morning. The other group did nothing. The group that started their day with a positive action and thought of gratitude reported an increasing feeling of well-being exponentially. 

On Tuesday, at the Caring Connection Resource Group at Lee Crest, we started our 40 Day Attitude of Gratitude Challenge! Sticky notes were passed out and those that can’t write, Tina, from Recreation, HCA’s and other residents will help. Dixie Still, HCA, told us about a book, The Slight Edge, that shows that doing certain tasks; a gratitude journal where you write 3 positive things a day, 15 minutes of exercise, 15 minutes of meditation, reading a positive book for 10 minutes a day will exponentially increase your inner happiness!

Today, I start my 40 day challenge. I am thankful for the wise and inspiring caregivers we have in the community through Greystokes and in our facilities. Choose to join us in our 40 Day Challenge to increase happiness and an attitude of gratitude! Get your sticky notes and write one thing you are thankful for and put it on your mirror every morning! Come; join us with your experiences in 40 days! Remember, attitude is a choice!